TPO Performance

The Polk TPO’s Performance Targets: A Commitment to Excellence

The Polk TPO is committed to enhancing the quality of life in Polk County through a comprehensive approach to transportation planning. To achieve this, the Polk TPO has established specific performance targets aimed at creating a safe, efficient and sustainable transportation system. These targets focus on five key areas: safety, mobility, sustainable resources, livability and economy. Below, we delve into each of these targets and their significance to the community.


Safety is the Polk TPO’s top priority. We have an ambitious goal of achieving zero traffic fatalities by the year 2040. This vision, often referred to as “Vision Zero,” is rooted in the belief that every traffic-related death is preventable. To realize this goal, the Polk TPO is implementing a variety of strategies, including improving infrastructure, raising awareness about safe driving practices and using crash data to identify high-risk areas and prioritize safety improvements.

By focusing on these strategies, the Polk TPO aims to create a transportation system where everyone, whether they are motorists, pedestrians or cyclists, can travel safely.


Mobility is essential for Polk County’s economic vitality and overall functionality. The Polk TPO’s mobility targets aim to ensure that residents and visitors can move throughout the region efficiently.  

Sustainable Resources

Sustainability is a planning process component. The Polk TPO is committed to minimizing the transportation system’s environmental impact. By prioritizing sustainable practices, we aim to create a transportation system that supports environmental health and contributes to the well-being of future generations.


Livability focuses on creating a transportation system that enhances the quality of life for all residents. This includes developing streets that accommodate all users, including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders. It is also important to improve access to amenities by ensuring that transportation planning considers access to essential services such as healthcare, education and recreation. Through community engagement and involving residents in the planning process, the Polk TPO aims to ensure that transportation projects meet community needs.


Economic vitality is closely linked to the transportation system’s efficiency and effectiveness. The Polk TPO’s economic target is aimed at supporting the region’s growth. This includes supporting development that ensures that transportation infrastructure supports the movement of goods and services. Additionally, we aim to enhance county connectivity by improving connections between different modes of transportation. This can create a seamless system.

Contact Us

Have questions or feedback? Contact the Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) at (863) 534-6486 or visit our Contact page for more ways to connect.