Improvement Program

Planning for a better future

What is the TIP?

The Transportation Improvement Program is a document prepared by the Polk Transportation Planning Organization, listing all cost-feasible projects scheduled for a five-year period that correspond to the Long Range Transportation Plan.

These projects are programmed by the Florida Department of Transportation and are consistent with the Polk TPO’s adopted Long Range Transportation Plan and priority transportation projects. The TIP includes all transportation projects within Polk TPO’s planning area boundary funded by Title 23 and Title 49 funds, as well as all regionally-significant transportation projects requiring federal action. It covers all modes of transportation, including locally funded and managed projects, as well as regionally-significant projects regardless of the funding source, which may be capital or non-capital projects.

Current TIP

 Download TIP 2024/25-2028/29

TIP Structure

Includes state and local transportation projects related to aviation, pedestrian/bicycle, turnpike, highways, transit, maintenance, intermodal and rail. Each section includes a detailed list of projects specific to that transportation mode or area.

Annual Updates and Amendments

The TIP is developed through a continuing, comprehensive and cooperative (3C) effort involving state and local agencies, including public transit agencies, with responsibility for planning, constructing, operating and maintaining public transportation infrastructure, services and programs. The document is maintained throughout the year to ensure projects remain eligible for federal funding.

Amendments to current TIP

Updates to the TIP will be listed here. 

Previous Version

Previous TIP 2023/24-2027/28

Public Involvement

Public involvement and input are essential for prioritizing projects and keeping the community informed about transportation projects throughout Polk County. Learn how you can be a part of the planning process by visiting our Public Involvement page.


Contact Us

Have questions or feedback? Contact the Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) at (863) 534-6486 or visit our Contact page for more ways to connect.