Long Range
Transportation Plan
Click to previous LRTP – Momentum 2045
What is the LRTP?
Envision 2050 is the new Long Range Transportation Plan being developed by the Polk TPO. It sets the vision and framework for transportation planning and investments over the next 25 years, ensuring a sustainable and efficient transportation system for the future.
The LRTP facilitates a countywide, cooperative planning process that serves as the basis for spending county and regional state and federal transportation funds for improvements to roads, bridges, public transit, freight routes, trails and bicycle and pedestrian networks.
Planning Process
The planning process for Envision 2050 involves extensive public engagement and collaboration with local, state, and federal agencies. The process is guided by the Polk TPO Board, the Technical Advisory Committee and the Adviser Network.
The key themes of the Long Range Transportation Plan are:
- Safety of the transportation network
- Protecting and enhance communities
- Efficient transportation network
- Supporting economic development
- Preserving the existing system enhancements
The LRTP utilizes goals, objectives and performance targets. These need to be consistent with Federal Legislation and the Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Plan.
Public Involvement
Public involvement is important in developing Envision 2050. The Polk TPO engages with the community through:
Previous LRTP
The Polk Transportation Planning Organization approved the Long Range Transportation Plan for Momentum 2045 on Dec. 10, 2020. This plan identified and addressed future transportation needs and a vision for how transportation investments and policies will serve and promote the long term growth management strategy for Polk County.
Over the course of the 2045 LRTP development, the TPO conducted a number of outreach and coordination activities with community stakeholders.