Sunrail Feasibility Study

Is SunRail coming to Polk County?

The Florida Department of Transportation is studying the feasibility and benefits of extending SunRail into Polk County. SunRail is a public-funded passenger rail service. It presently operates in Florida in parts of Volusia, Seminole, Orange and Osceola counties.

As part of the development of its previous Long Range Transportation Plan, the TPO examined the feasibility of extending SunRail service into Polk County. The study examines potential project alternatives, and the benefits, challenges and costs associated with a potential extension. The study is also looking at how an extension could promote economic development and mobility, as well as potential environmental effects. The process follows federal guidelines, while coordinating closely with the Polk TPO, local agencies, municipal partners and stakeholders.

To obtain a copy of this document, please contact Polk TPO or FDOT.

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