Complete Streets

Complete Streets

What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are streets designed and operated to enable safe use and support mobility for all users. These are streets that cater to drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists and public transportation riders, regardless of age or ability.

Design and Operation Principles

Complete Streets encompass various approaches to planning, designing and operating roadways with all users in mind, making the transportation network safer and more efficient. Policies for Complete Streets are established at the state, regional and local levels and are often supported by roadway design guidelines.

Key Elements of Complete Streets

  • Sidewalks
  • Bicycle Lanes
  • Bus Lanes
  • Public Transportation Stops
  • Pedestrian Crossing Opportunities
  • Median Islands
  • Accessible Pedestrian Signals
  • Curb Extensions
  • Modified Vehicle Travel Lanes
  • Streetscape and Landscape Treatments

Polk TPO Complete Streets Policy

The Polk TPO has adopted a Complete Streets Policy with the following goals:

  • Provide Safe Travel: Ensure safety for all users, regardless of age or abilities.
  • Support All Modes of Travel: Accommodate various travel choices.
  • Provide Convenient Access: Ensure easy access to community land uses.
  • Create Livable Communities: Foster a sense of place and community livability.

Complete Street Action Plans

In 2012, the TPO completed a series of Complete Street Action Plans for eight corridors with a high number of pedestrian and bicycle crashes. These plans identify road improvements to enhance safety for all users. The TPO collaborates with the Florida Department of Transportation and local governments to fund these Complete Street projects.

For more information or to obtain a copy of the plans, please contact Polk TPO.

Contact Us

Have questions or feedback? Contact the Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) at (863) 534-6486 or visit our Contact page for more ways to connect.